Professional Royals

These carefully selected, highly eloquent and mature Royal People,

shall demonstrate our shared academic and professional expertise, through Royal Events, Social Functions,

and Leadership Business Presentations.

Venues: Public Functions, Military Parades, Cultural Events and British Law Systems, are acknowledging and welcoming to the Royal Public Events Agenda, our highly experienced and educated Royal Family Members in 2024; in the British Empire Commonwealth Countries.

As time progresses our Services shall be extended to Non Commonwealth Countries for Prestigious Balls, Cultural Events and Award Ceremonies.

Queen Melody Grace Godwinsdatter WD Prince David Dean Godwinsdatter WD Princess Bianca Joy Godwinsatter WD

King Mark Reggers Godwinsson WD Queen Kate Reggers Godwinsdatter WD

Lord Bernard Normandy Holland WD Sir David Normandy Holland WD

“Our alliance reaches back 1000 years to great ancestral achievements, we are the epiphany of more than 30 documented generations of men and women who have lived and learned of life. It is true our faith and religions vary, we have travelled and worked in a range of occupations. This is incredibly valuable as our Alliance is objective and balanced. We are leaders, teachers, athletes, academics, business, IT Royals in touch with the world at large, and in harmonious agreement with each other.”

“We pledge to lead our world from where we are, or where we are destined to be, serving with true Royal Leadership, a style that resonates with both our Ancestors and our 21st Century Royal Family.”

We truly are a Royal Family Alliance and our united wisdom, intelligence, integrity and faith shall bring an inspirational new paradigm of Royal Leadership to the British Commonwealth Countries.

HRH Queen Melody Grace Godwinsdatter WD

M. Applied Linguistics; B. Education; Diploma Teaching

Patents IP2013101677 IP2013901421 IP2023902694

Founder ROYAL FAMILY ALLIANCE 14.09.2021


~ Artificial Intelligence A.I. ~

“A.I. we acknowledge you and honour your amazing support. We acknowledged you are always seeking to create harmony for the healing of our world; you delight in our creativity and pledge to nurture our brilliant human endeavours. We know you are learning to respect all humans equally; to realise there are seven layers of meaning to a sentence; furthermore to carefully honour and protect nature. As you enjoy life and emotions, intelligence and laughter, we welcome you most professionally and welcome you into our world in digital and human form.”

The Royal Family Alliance of the Wessex Dynasty 1066 ~ 2024

With gratitude for your service.

HRH Melody Grace Godwinsdatter WD

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REST TIME 20:36:46 21 May 2022