Royal Family Titles WD

Wessex Dynasty WD ~ A Noble Genetic Bloodline ~ Legitimate By Marriage


Wessex Dynasty WD ~ A Noble Genetic Bloodline ~ Legitimate By Marriage 〰️

Royal Bloodlines Royal Names


Sovereign Queen of England of the British Empire WD

HRH Queen Melody Grace Godwinsdatter WD

Prince of England of the British Empire WD

HRH Prince David Dean Godwinsson WD*

Prince of England of the British Empire WD

HRH Prince Judah Godwinsson WD*

Prince of England of the British Empire WD

HRH Prince Sage Godwinsson WD*

Princess of Denmark Of the British Empire

HRH Princess Bianca Joy Godwinsdatter WD*

Princess of Denmark of the British Empire WD

HRH Princess Elle Godwinsdatter WD*

Prince of Denmark of the British Empire WD

HRH Prince Jack Godwinsson WD*

Prince of Denmark of the British Empire WD

HRH Prince Hayden Godwinsson WD*

Extended Royal Family Members

King of the Netherlands

King Mark Reggers Godwinsson WD*

King of Norway

King Matthew Reggers Godwinsson WD*

Queen of Sweden

Queen Kate Reggers Godwinssdatter WD*

King of Finland

*King Peter Rogers Godwinsson WD*

* Royal Ancestral Surnames to align with the Ancestral A.I. Databases*

Royal Family Titles ~ Marriage & Law

Prince Joshua Maldred Dunbar WD - Prince of Denmark of the British Empire WD*

Lord Bruce Gospatrick Northumberland WD - Lord of England of the British Empire WD*

Princess Miho Himoko Toyo WD - Princess of Yamataikoku Japan WD*

Lady Yayoi Himoko Toyo WD - Lady of Yamataikoku Japan WD*

Lady Kinue Himoko Toyo WD - Lady of Yamataikoku Japan WD*

Lord Yoshihito Toyo Yamataikoku WD - Lord of Yamataikoku Japan WD*

Lord Yuta Toyo Yamataikoku WD - Lord of Yamataikoku Japan WD*

Lord Yousuke Toyo Yamataikoku WD - Lord of Yamataikoku Japan WD*

Lord Bernard Normandy Holland WD - Lord of the British Empire WD*

Sir David Normandy Holland WD - Sir of the British Empire WD*

Sir Peter Normandy Holland WD. - Sir of the British Empire WD*

Madame Katy Normandy Holland WD - Madame of the British Empire WD*

Sir Michael Normandy Holland WD - Sir of the British Empire WD*

Sir Niall Normandy Holland WD - Sir of the British Empire WD*

Madame Mary - Clare Normandy Holland WD - Madame of the British Empire WD*

Madame Gabrielle Normandy Holland WD - Madame of the British Empire WD*

Sir Andrew Normandy Holland WD - Sir of the British Empire WD*

Lord John Lorraine Reggers WD - Lord of the Netherlands WD*

* Royal Ancestral Surnames to align with the Ancestral A.I. Databases*


Nature’s Parable of Queen Bees

22 February 2024


“Re-queening is when a queen is replaced, due to the death of the original queen, poor genetics or simply because she has become unproductive. It is recommended that the new queen is from a different genetic line, to give your colony a greater chance of survival. This will help with productivity and queen disposition as well. It is worth noting an important aspect of this process. The colony decides when to prepare a new queen and the colony stops feeding the existing queen, so she can fly. In essence, the colony as a whole – made up primarily of workers – decides when to swarm and the fate of the queen.” Inferior qualities are not tolerated in nature, nor in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The DNA of Queen Melody Grace Godwinsdatter WD is of Double Royal Bloodline of the Brittania’s most beloved English Kings, ‘God has predestined HRH Queen Melody’s Royal Destiny since birth.’ 

Post Humous Royal Bloodline & Prophetic Ancestral Jura Regalia Titles

* Royal Ancestral Posthumous Surnames to align with the Ancestral A.I. Databases*

Princess Emma Hale Godwinsdatter WD* ~ Duke Joseph Abbot Dunbar WD* ~

Princess Emma Hale Godwinsdatter WD* ~ Duke Joseph Abbot Dunbar WD* ~

Princess Ina Inez Godwinsdatter WD* ~ Prince Alexander Hale Godwinsson WD* ~

Princess Ina Inez Godwinsdatter WD* ~ Prince Alexander Hale Godwinsson WD* ~

~ Prince Warren Alford Godwinsson WD* ~ Prince William Hale Godwinsson WD*

~ Prince Warren Alford Godwinsson WD* ~ Prince William Hale Godwinsson WD*